...and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was...

There was a neat article in the St. Louis Post this past week. Close descendants of one of the late surviors live in the next county from me. You can read it HERE.
You can find more of my Titanic posts HERE. More to come!
Wonderful post, Nikki!
I also want to commend you on your previous post. Jim and I see this situation now and again, also. One other thing that gets us going is seeing parents carrying around kids with barefeet and nothing on their heads during winter. As Jim likes to say, "It's a different world".
Goodness, 97 years.
I enjoyed your post and pictures. We should never forget those people.
I am always in awe when I see pictures of the ship prior to her voyage and even the underwater shots after the tragedy. Somehow, the Titanic is beautiful regardless.
Now how did I know that I could count on you to post about Titanic? :0)
When we visited the Titanic exhibit a few years ago, I rmemeber feeling such sadness remembering all that were lost. Per my "boarding pass", I was a passenger that was "lost". I am looking forward to what else you will share.
Such a tragic story. You have really done your homework with all the neat photos you've posted here. Thanks for sharing.
Ya know even without the movie being a blockbuster, I think Titanic would still be just as revered to this day.
Justine :o )
Wonderful tribute post Nikki!
I can't believe it's been almost 100 years!
I always tell Alex that he was born the same day as one of our worst tragedies and he always says... "Figures!" LOL
Beautiful post sweet friend...
Wasn't that first class state room just glorious?!?!
Angelic Accents
It is really hard to imagine... I, too, went to the Titanic exhibit when it was in St. Petersburg, Florida and it WAS very sad to see and think about all that was lost. Thank you for sharing and for reminding us about all of the lives lost.
Is it silly that it still makes me sad?
Hi Nikki
What a thing of beauty she was, wasn't she!
xoxo trailer trash
Such cool pictures!!!
Love your dorothy dress! Have fun in KC. I think everything about the Titanic is very interesting and sad.
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