If you are fascinated with the Titanic, then you'd really like the tale of the Arabia. Though a major (and thankful) difference is that no one perished on this boat, except for a poor mule.

The Arabia was a steamboat that sunk in the Missouri River in the 1850's. It has been found all these years later, and dug up from the mud!
Many people were heading west, and the boat was loaded with 222 tons of goods for setting up general stores. Crates and barrels full of shoes, clothes, food, china, etc. were aboard.
After finding and digging up the Arabia, the owners of the museum have been able to display most of these items just as if you were walking into a general store back in time!
Just unbelievable!

Jars of canned fruit and veggies were still locked tight. If I recall correctly they did taste them, lol!

Are these buttons not adorable? When opening crate after crate, these buttons were found in the bottom of one. The cotton from which the clothing had been made had disintegrated.

I think it was over 6 years ago when we visited. We had gone to Kansas City to see my very first Titanic Exhibit!
French perfumes were also found on the Arabia, and I bought a reproduction scent that they named 1856. Only thing is, (anal as I am), the image that they used is not from that time period and it *really* bugs me! I would date this picture from the early 1900's, just before or around the Titanic period.

Please visit their website, and click on Museum Info. You'll be able to read the entire story, along with a video.
If you get a chance, you simply must visit the Arabia in person.
You'll see part of the boat, along with the tree that sank her.
I think they've added a lot more since we've been, it's time to go back!
Very interesting! Wouldn't you love to have some of those dishes? It reminds me of an old musical that I saw with Shirley Jones and Jimmy Stewart. The families would make part of their journey out west on steam boats..... How sad. I'm sure some of those folks lost their life savings... wonder if they had insurance????
I had never heard of the Arabia. I clicked the link for it and watched the whole video from the website. How much fun to be able to view all those fantastic artifacts from the wreckage under the water.
What a fun story, thanks for sharing.
WOW! That is an amazing exhibit! Thank you for educating me and sharing the photos.
I really need to get up there and see that exhibit. Those dishes and buttons are wonderful.
Speaking of perfume...I was reading an Elizabeth Adler book and she mentions Violetta Di Parma...it is an oldie also. It was discontinued but you can still find some. I think I am going to splurge and bid on some on ebay!
~Bon Voyage~
What an interesting place. I love those buttons, but he doorknobs...let me at them!
That would be such an interesting place to visit! I love historical exibits.
Do you know if there are any clubs or societies that dress in clothes from the thirties or forties? You know so much about vintage things, I thought you might know.
Hugs, Susan
Sad story about the boat going down, but what a treat for our eyes that they salvaged so many beautiful things. I'll probably never see it, but thank you for sharing it with us. Love those buttons too. You see so many interesting things. I love that. xxoo
Neat history story. Those door knobs say that it's true.. They don't make them like they use to.
Hi Nikki!
Thank you for visiting me. :) You blog is truly unique and I love it! So much information about the Titanic and you are just beautiful! You look so gorgeous in all your costumes. You could have definitely fit in during that time period. I will be visiting regularly if you don't mind!
Oh, no Mocha doesn't have rings on her tail. :)
You find the coolest things and visit the neatest places! I am going to investigate this further- seems right up my alley! Found treasure........ahh. I want those buttons! (Squeal!!)
I am having a giveaway! Stop by and throw your name in there!!
Have a great weekend!
Hi Nikki,
I have never known anyone like you. You are facinating. How you get into all the details and the costumes. I love coming to your blog and seeing what you are up to.
I am always amazed!
I love the little buttons and glassware! Thank you for sharing this interesting piece on your blog.
Nikki! Just stopped by to check on you sweetie. Hope you are doing ok. I miss you!
Hey Nikki,
How interesting...I never knew about the Arabia...so much history aboard the ship....I see some things I would love to own too! LOL! Thanks for sharing this info... Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
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