Monday we went to my mom's house to decorate gingerbread houses she had baked. She thought Nova would have fun with it. He really just wanted to eat the candy and play with the Mickey Mouse Playhouse there. Ah well!
Kevin had requested an outhouse. She made him a two seater, he was delighted. He really got into decorating it!
Then mom invited Kevin's sister Joyce over and put a house together for her to decorate as well.
We had a blast! I stayed with the traditional red/green decor, but I was half way through before realizing she had three tubs of pink sprinkles I could've used! I'll do a froufrou one next time!
Kevin had requested an outhouse. She made him a two seater, he was delighted. He really got into decorating it!
Then mom invited Kevin's sister Joyce over and put a house together for her to decorate as well.
We had a blast! I stayed with the traditional red/green decor, but I was half way through before realizing she had three tubs of pink sprinkles I could've used! I'll do a froufrou one next time!
Here they are awaiting their candy coating~
Here's a slideshow of how things evolved. I love the big candy jars!
OH! Pardon me Santa, I didn't know you were in there!! (Eeek!)
Joyce's masterpiece~
Kevin's um... candy crapper~ (He's so proud)
And lastly my humble home~
(I warn you it was a mascara only day with hair in a french braid)
The villiage
What a fun time! All of your creations are so cute. Never could get the hang of gingerbread houses myself. Even dressed down, you look fab. I always love your hair. Have a great Christmas! xxoo
Candy crapper! pfhht! lol
It looks like everyone had fun...even the big guy! That is too funny, candy crapper, LOL!
Too cute. I love the outhouse! We did ours this weekend, too.
Big Hugs~Claire
Wow, they are all lovely, such fun xxx
OMG Nikki!!!! We got the house!!!!!!! Oops! Sliped out ;)
I love the gingerbread houses and the outhouse :)
You are one brave woman to wear that Christmas outfit. Holy Smokes!! Although you are the only one I know that could still be beautiful with a tree on their head LOL Kevin's outfit was a laugh riot!!
Oh, What fun you have been up too.
I know you all had a great time! These are wonderful, Nikki!
Those are such cute and creative gingerbread houses. So much fun.
Very cute!!!
gingerbread houses adorables!!
ok,I LOVE the crapper!
Kevin is too funny!
Ooh, they came out fabulous, Nikki! But Kevin wanting a gingerbread crapper? Well, that's just not right. It's downright sick. Only kidding Kevin! No, I'm not kidding. It's just odd. ROFL
And you looked beautiful with just mascara on!
Justine :o )
Looks like a fun day! That outhouse is hysterical!!
My family used to decorate gingerbread houses eery year. We would make four or five and then take them to our school teachers and shut-ins in our community. The kids and I will be doing some this next week. I need to do something to get in the spirit......I just don't have it this year.
Now if I had gone to that Christmas party for your salon.....THAT looks like it was a BLAST!!! Kevin's outfit was freigin' hysterical! Only a real manly man could pull that off- GOOD JOB KEVIN! And you....that hair is amazing! How do you come up with this stuff!?!
Oh, and just a "mascara day" are a booger and I am pea green with envy. You are beautiful! If I walked out of the house with only mascara I would scare even the blind.
Stop by my blog! I have something for you!!!
Oh Nikki...what fun and what a treasured memory for you and your family...the Gingerbread houses are the prettiest I've seen! I love Kevin's too....that is too cute and funny as crap! That looks like something Robert would think up.... an outhouse...I love it! Your Kevin is a hoot and you both make such a beautiful are gorgeous you know that?! I love that pics of little Nova too...he looks so cute...I hope you all will have a very Merry Christmas...something tells me there won't be a dull moment in your lovely home! LoL!
Only at the Scarlet Rose Garden will you find a Candy Crapper and a gal with a tree hairdo.
Too funny.
Have a Merry Christmas my friend.
It looks like a fun day, wishing you a beautiful Christmas.
These are adorable! I laughed so hard at the idea of a gingerbread outhouse! It turned out great though. They all did! Hey, when I was Nova's age, I would have wanted to just eat the candy too! lol He looks like he is pretty intrigued at the finished product though!
Merry Christmas Nikki!!!!! I hope you and your sweet family have the best one yet :)
Oh and you made me cry when I got your card in the mail. Thank you :)
love and big hugs,
Merry Christmas, Nikki. Thank you for all the inspiration you share all through the year. Blessings to you and your family. Too fun to do the gingerbread houses together! Nova looks so cute checking them out. Hope he has a big Christmas.
Your village is soooo sweet.LOL...Love the two seater outhouse.Thats really kool.Boy i would hate to eat it,but here today ,gone tomorrow.Merry Christmas Marie Antionette
Just popping in to wish you a Merry Christmas!
Jan & Tom
Hi Nikki!
I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Hey Nikki!
I just wanted to pop in to tell you that I hope you and your sweet family have a very Happy New year!
Happy new year, Nikki! Where the hell are you? It's like you fell off the face of the earth!
Justine :o )
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