What a strange and beautiful summer we've had. The weather has been so unseasonably cool! Right now I have the windows open and I'm not even running the attic fan. Wow. This is NOT August. I'm used to 102 degree weather and the upstairs AC running non stop and still not getting down to what the thermostat is set on, lol!
Saturday we went for a drive. Nova loves things with "pinchies", and Kevin had promised to show him some crawdads. So down to the "crick" we went! It was a lovely drive, everything so green... wildflowers blooming... a few trees beginning to change hue. A perfect lazy day.
Sorry, this is the only creek pic I've got, since I went wading in it as well and didn't want to risk taking the camera. Wish I would have tho, it was so cute watching Nova try to get those little rascals! He was excited to see we had to drive through the water~
Saturday we went for a drive. Nova loves things with "pinchies", and Kevin had promised to show him some crawdads. So down to the "crick" we went! It was a lovely drive, everything so green... wildflowers blooming... a few trees beginning to change hue. A perfect lazy day.
Sorry, this is the only creek pic I've got, since I went wading in it as well and didn't want to risk taking the camera. Wish I would have tho, it was so cute watching Nova try to get those little rascals! He was excited to see we had to drive through the water~
She went for a second look tho. BTW, she seems to be doing fine. Still on the special food and the vet is not ready to take another x-ray yet...
Hi Mr. Crawdad! I think we had about 5 in there~ they were set free later in a near by lake.
I can't beleive it's been a year since my baby started "pretty" school. He started back to preschool on Monday. He sure has grown!
I had to laugh as I put these two pics together for comparison. He's being a little goof in both shots, ha!
I made a paint smock for him, it turned out pretty well. The fabric really annoyed me because no matter how you laid it out the print looked upside down. He likes it, that's all that matters!
I thought I had some velcro at home, but couldn't find it. It was about 10 PM and I didn't feel like running over to Walmart, so I decided to sew some magnets to the insides. Seems to work and it's easy for him to get in and out of.

He loves school and couldn't wait to go back... and now perhaps I can catch up on blogging! : P
hello darlin' nikki...first let me say you are the most generous kitten ever! thank you thank you thank you for the wonderful gifts! the apron is to die for gal!!!
i can't wait to give you a proper thank you and blog about it all as soon as the dust settles on the range...enjoy the preschool days...cuz it goes so so so fast!...my baby chick is driving this week alone! ekk! have a rocken' day and again thank you...cat~
I don't know why but crawdad's have always grossed me out. Much like squid does. Your picture of the road and water remind me of a little my hubs and I found this summer. It had a beautiful running stream. I could sit and listen all day long to the sound of running water. We then took up some indiginous flowers to take home that grow wild here. Beautiful wild lillies. Thank you for reminding me of a wonderful memory.
Just Love your little kitty... Looks like our Max!!
The smock looks great!
What a cutie of a crawdad catcher.
Sounds like ya'll had a grand time at the "crick". Have a wonderfully blessed summer day!!!
Lovely pics & post. What an adorable wee one ... Mr. Ham-it-up-fun! There are critters in that jar! My best times & moments are near water ... my best writing comes at those moments. TTFN ~Marydon
I think you did a wonderful job on the smock. What a great fabric too. Just perfect for an on-the-go little guy. :) He's a good crawdad catcher too. Had some big ones in that jar. Did he chase you with them? Seems my nephews enjoyed doing that to me with all sorts of bugs and things. Thanks for taking us down to the crick with you. xxoo
'Just wanted to thank you for dropping by and in the words of Granny Clampett, "Ya'll come back now, ya hear!" God bless
That sounds like a perfect day, Nikki. Great job on the smock!!
Now....for our delightful weather. We went to Pomme de Terre Lake today. Had a picnic. The squirrels are certainly enjoying the hickory nuts, there. I hope they are storing some away. J heard we are to have "one of those" winters...sort of to balance things out, so to speak!
Looks like y'all had fun! We use to do that when we were kids. My granndpa use to walk us down to the creek to catch crawdads. He had a song that he would sing too...something like "you get a line, I'll get a pole and we'll go down to the crawdad hole." Lol
Love how you re-invented the dress into a smock.
Loved that you shared your adventure with the 'crick' and crawdads. Isn't it funny how nature can be such a sweet entertainer.
I forgot to mention how much I adore your OZ post. Your outfit and shoes in the Enchanted Forest is simply magical. Something very OZ worthy.
Ooh, a nice cold creek and cute little crawdads!
You're right, Nova really has grown in the past year! Holy cow!
Justine :o )
Wow, I can't believe how much Nova has grown ! What a fun trip to the crick !
Hi NIkki, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment. Love your WOO post, that is just fabulous! Looks like you had a nice trip to the crick. Your little boy is adorable, fun memories for him! Yep they do grow up so quick!
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
This is a cute post! I love to see little boys doing boys things!
The paint smock is cute, you are so smart to redesign the pattern!
I always loved seeing creatures through my sons eyes. So glad to see Melly looking well! The smock is adorable. I love the fabric. You are one clever girl!
Our August has been "mild" too but as of Sunday, Summer hit with a vengeance and is making up for lost time. We hit 110 yesterday and we'll hit 113 today. Eek.
Nova looks so darned cute and look how much he's grown! What a wonderful lazy day you guys must have enjoyed.
Thank you so much for the info on my house! I have absolutely no idea if it's veneer brick... I'm just guessing. When walking around inside, I just have the feeling it is NOT a Sears home because of all the awesome detailing. Someone put a LOT of money into that house in 1908. Just the crystal glass on the hutch's say that it's more expensive then a Sears home... So, there may not even be another home that looks like mine!
P.S... what a cutie pie! He's grown a lot in the past year!
Its been so long, I've been busy moving my life around an look where yours has taken you! ;-) Your little guy is growing so fast. crazy!
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I live in S. MO and the weather is delightful! I think it's about time we had a pleasant Aug., don't you? You are such a talented seamstress! I admire your abilities. Your little guy sure is cute! Have a nice Sunday! Twyla
Oh Nova is such a sweetie! Look how much he has grown! :) Little goof ball!
Oh it sounds like you and your little family had a great day at the "crick" (down here where I live, we call 'em creeks, but I knew what you were talking about). LOL! There's nothing quite like getting out in nature...I love it too. Nova and your kitty are so cute...my, how kids grow so fast...I love the little painting smock that you made for him. You are so good at that sort of thing! Are you sure you aren't really a seamstress?! By the way...I couldn't help noticing that gorgeous buffet in the background with all of the pretties on top. I love that! Hope you have a great day and I hope Nova has a great day at Preschool too!
Big Hugs,
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