You are cordially invited
to a Blogland Ball
to celebrate
the 70th Anniversary of
(click the above link for the actual Ball post!)
If you plan to participate and
blog about GWTW that day
RSVP by leaving your link in a comment on this post
or emailing me with your info at
I'll be having another give away
and will be anxious to visit your blogs as well!
So pick out a dress...

One of my all time favorite movies. What a fantastic idea for a blog party!
Oh, goodie! "Can I wear Scarlett's green dress? I wanna wear Scarlett's green dress"
My Sue Ellen Ohara impression. :)
Oh Nikki!
I love parties and balls! I'm excited! Thanks for inviting me! I will be there! I'm not sure what I will wear yet. Maybe red! I think that I'm in the mood for red!
Lee Laurie
Fiddle Dee Dee!! You know I'll be there with bells on!!
Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hello, I wanted to leave you a comment because I've found your posts really interesting - sometimes they are topics I know little about and we can all learn something new everyday !
Your pictures are simply amazing. So thank you for taking the time to share them and your lovely writing. Best wishes
Morning, Nikki! Oh, how fun!
I wanted to let you know I've got your Bathroom snap up for all to see. Come by and view your more gorgeousness!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Ooh, so what are we supposed to do on the 7th? Blog about GWTW? What?
Justine :o )
I want to play but I don't have a blog.........
I don't know what we're supposed to do, but I'm intrigued...
Hi, Nikki,
It's me again. I just wanted to tell you, I always wanted to get a better look in Scarlet's close, and your picture let's me do that. :)
I see her green robe. Do you? I don't recognize any others, but look at all those hat boxes!
Oh what fun... a Gone with the Wind Ball! I can't wait to see the posts.
Big Hugs,
I am excited about your GWTW ball, May I join you with some reminescence from my 87 yr old mother who saw it 4 times in 1939?
I do not know what else I can do but relive her memories.
I am excited about your GWTW ball, May I join you with some reminescence from my 87 yr old mother who saw it 4 times in 1939?
I do not know what else I can do but relive her memories.
Nikki, Your timing is perfect! I just finished reading GWTW for my book club. So I will be doing a book review for the party. I loved the book! I saw the movie many years ago and have asked for it for my birthday in Oct. In fact I am so excited about it I went to the library to check out the movie, just so I could watch it right after I finished the book. You know you can't buy the movie right now as all of the copies have been pulled for the 70th Anniversary Special Edition Release. I can't wait! : )
This was an awesome idea!
Hello Nikki! I'm out visiting some blogs that I haven't stopped in on for a while, and I was so glad I did when I found your Gone With The Wind party. Please count me in! This is one of my all time favorite movies. You can find me at Loveleigh Treasures! Can't wait!
I'd be honored to join in on the fun!! So many gowns to choose from, now which one will I wear!?!
Oh I will be in this...I love Balls and Gone With the it's a great daily double!!
Sandi Fantasy & Fancy Blog
Sounds like a lot of fun, Nikki! I have some Scarlett dolls. Maybe I can post them. I love GWTW, in fact, we just watched it again a few days ago after touring a plantation house. Kinda makes you in a mood. I guess I can blog about that too, right?...Christine
Hi Nikki!
I could never turn down an invitation to a ball!! I just MUST attend!! Please count me in. What SHALL I wear?? Oh I'll think about that tomorrow...
Hugs, sherry
Hello Nikki!
What a fantastic idea for a blog party!
I participate very happy.
Hi Nikki! This IS my FAVORITE movie of all time! I can NOT miss this party!.. It just wouldn't be fittin'!! I am posting your button on my side bar now. I don't know if I'll dress up or not, but I will definitely have a few things to share! Can't wait! ~tina
Oh I love this movie! I'd love to join in the fun!
Victoria xx
This is fantastic. I am visiting your blog from the Wizard of Oz Celebration and I looked up out of curiousity about the anniversary of GWTW which is this year.
What a great way to celebrate.
Thank you for thinking of this for us bloggers to honor this wonderful movie.
I just found you...oh pretty please may I join the party too??? I would love to be a part!! Don't know what I will do yet...but I know I will find SOMETHING! :)
This is my official R.S.V.P. for the GWTW Ball! I just love this movie/book. Until then I will be chaneling my inner Scarlett! Oh what fun this will be! Thanks for being a gracious hostess! ~Blessings! How can I display your button on my blog?
Well, you know I'm coming even if the yankees have invaded my house LOL
I'll put it on my blog so others will play too ;)
I can't believe how much I've missed.... yikes!
Hi.......I've just arrived from Rue's PBJ Blog so I just know this Blog is among the Best of the Best!
And GONE WITH THE WIND is on top of the Box Office!
I have an original program. My MIL gave it to me many years ago!
I value it as Priceless!
I will definately arrive in costume to the Ball!
~*~Thank you for the Invitation!~*~
I was just over at Rue's PB & J Cottage blog and I'm in for the GWTW Ball! How exciting!
Frankly, my dear, I would love to come to the GWTW ball!!! I will surely post the button to my site this very moment!!!
I can't believe I stumbled upon this blog and found out about this party. I am kind of new to the blogging world and I am not sure what I am suppose to be doing for this party. Just blog about GWTW and share what I have? I LOVE the movie (all time fav.) and have read the book soo many times I have practically memorized it. I have collected TONS of stuff over the years. I am in even though I am not real sure what I am supposed to be doing....Please advise....Sooo excited, Debbie....
I will be there with bells on!!! Gone with the Wind is my all time favorite movie! Thank you for this opportunity to blog about my favorite movie!
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