Hiya folks, come on in!
Help me to decide what color (s) to paint my front doors!
I'm pretty much set on a cranberry red, to match my mailbox. Before we painted the house I had planned on just stripping the doors. I know they would be beautiful. But I think they would get lost from the street and red would really pop.
And since the doors are already painted, it's no big deal.

The thing is, I can't decide if I like the swag white or not. And if I don't paint it white, what other option would there be? It would be boring to paint it all red. So, what do you think?
We just painted the exterior last year. It's Jersery Cream from Sherwin Williams. The new porch floor color is Storm Shadow from Walmart, (which is made by SW).
Help me to decide what color (s) to paint my front doors!
I'm pretty much set on a cranberry red, to match my mailbox. Before we painted the house I had planned on just stripping the doors. I know they would be beautiful. But I think they would get lost from the street and red would really pop.
And since the doors are already painted, it's no big deal.

The thing is, I can't decide if I like the swag white or not. And if I don't paint it white, what other option would there be? It would be boring to paint it all red. So, what do you think?
We just painted the exterior last year. It's Jersery Cream from Sherwin Williams. The new porch floor color is Storm Shadow from Walmart, (which is made by SW).

I just did some quick rough virtuals.
Here's red with white,
and red with black,
red with Jersey Cream,
and what about red with a metalic gold? Probably NOT, but I'm throwing it out there anyway!
*EDIT #2*
A few of you have asked if the swag can be taken off.
NOPE. It is original and will stay.
I hope everyone enjoyed the Gone With the Wind Ball as much as I did! I so enjoyed everyone's posts and comments.
I will be drawing for the give away next Monday, so there's still time to get your name in the hat! Just leave a message at the party post!
I would paint the door red or black...both would pop from the street really well. The scroll thing I would go the color of the house...I LOVE this house by the way...really homey looking...thanks for the GWTW party...I really enjoyed it..It was the first one I have ever participated in and it was a great way to start...Blessings, Debbie
Red door for sure with the swag in Jersey Cream...OR Terracotta like your planters with the Cream swag...either would be warm and inviting.
I think red would look lovely on the door :) BTW, I love your house!
Your door has enough character on its own without the swag. Can it be removed or is it part of the door?
If not- I would paint it the same color as the door.
Love the moldings on your door. It's gorgeous!
My first thought was, could it be anything but....Scarlett Rose?
Any tone of red would really pop on your beautiful home but I'm with paintergal here and agree that I would remove or blend the swag. It is a great door that would stand alone.
Have fun mulling over your choices I know it will be beautiful. Have a very blessed day!!!
I just love your door. I would antique the swag with black and dry brush a silver over it. That way you would get a little bit of shine. I think it will look wonderful!! ;0)
I would paint it red with the swag in Jersey cream to match the house. Your house is so beautiful. I love it. Did you roll the front porch paint on or brush it? I have to paint mine soon.
Lee Laurie
I vote for the Jersey Cream on the swag also. The white and the black are too harsh.
Love your door! The porcgh floor looks great too!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I vote for the red door with black swag. Your home is wonderful and love the painted porch. My grandmother's home and my great-grandmother's home in San Antonio had painted porches, so this is very nostalgic for me to see yours. The Ball was so much fun!!! I really appreciate all the effort you put forth to achieve this wonderful party for all of us bloggers who love GWTW.
I definitely say YES to the red door, and agree with previous visitor that says it has to be a Scarlett red!
As for the swag, I'm with the others who say to paint it red and blend it in. It seems like the house has so much character, and then the swag makes it feel a little... cartoon-y? I just feel like it brings down the look of the front door being its own color. If you painted it red and didn't like it, would it be hard to paint it back? (I'm guessing no since you're already planning on painting it...)
Can't wait to see the transformation! It's going to look so beautiful up against that creamy house and those stormy floors!
Hi Nikki. Thanks for visiting. I have to tell you...I love it gray! You could do tone on tone...lighter gray (stone color). But I admire a person with the courage to go red...so I would do the jersey cream. But trust your instincts. Trish
I would probably do them both in the same color, Nikki. Love the new porch color! I know what you mean...it would be great if it would stay nice and shiney :-).
What a beautiful home you have!! Well I am definitely in the minority, LOL, as I like the blue, but I agree with Debbie, black would look great!
Nikki, I vote for the red with cream swag! It will be beautiful whatever you choose! I had sooo much fun at the GWTW party that I've visited a few of the posts for a 2nd time!! Did you see the Kinkade Tara? I loved it!
Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hi Nikki!
Thank you so much for you sweet and caring comment you left on my blog.I really appreciate everyones thoughts and prayers.
I am quite partial to a red door. I just love how it looks and it does pop.As for the swag,(using the virtual images you put up) I think I like the looks of the white swag. It's better to go with white and if you don't like it,it can be easily cover with a darker color.
Good luck on your choice!
Well, now that I know what those photos were of, from earlier....
Definitely the red door. I'd probably keep the swag the same color, but if I was going to paint it another color, I'd go with the jersey cream.
I love the door red....your house is BEAUTIFUL!!!
At first glance I would have said black swag cause I love black(read my latest post)but I think the white or cream..really stands out against the red.
Can't wait to see what you pick..our front door is white..and it is splitting. Once it falls off~lol..I may try an eye popping color too. Possibly black???
How about if you paint the swag the same color, but do some "antiquing" on top of the swag to accent it.
Ooh, I vote for the red with black, definitely! I just noticed that your house doesn't have shutters. Is that how it would have been originally? I thought old houses usually had them to protect from storms?
Justine :o )
I like the idea of the red with the color of the house (beautiful color!). Perhaps more of a cranberry red--not too bright. I also like the idea of painting the swag the same color. I know you'll get it perfect.
Nikki, I'd like to thank you for throwing such a wonderful party! The Gone With The Wind Ball was an enormous amount of fun. I also learned a few things I didn't know and it was amazing to see what avid collectors some of you ladies are!
As to your beautiful door, I'd definitely go red. Could you paint the three insets a different color, such as the cream and then paint the scrolls red? Then you would have your red scroll, but have more contrast to make them stand out. It would also tie in your house color. Just a thought.
Thanks again for hosting such a fun event and I hope you have a great weekend!
I like the red with the white swag. It'll give the door a focal point when coming up the walk. xxoo
I kind of like red for the door, but definately the Jersey Cream for the swag. If you want to hide the swag, send it to me - door and all. I have the perfect place for it!
Ruth Ann
I agree with so many others, except, put a white wash on the yellow swag. I always make more work for myself too! HA.
I am so glad that I found your blog! Your house is beautiful and I am a GWTW fan too!!! I like the red door with the swag in black:). I look forward to visiting again soon!
I'm new to your blog, just wanted to say its dreamy...and Ill be back soon!xx
Oh Nikki...
Your house looks so pretty...I just love it! I love the Jersey cream color and the color you chose to do the porch floors too. As for my vote on that gorgeous front door. I'd say...umm, Red with the Jersey Cream color for that swag!
Girl, I love that color of green wall in that room redo too! I can't wait to see your shelves that you and Kevin made for the pretty green room.... You both have worked so hard on your home...I can only imagine how proud you both feel of your accomplishments. You should feel very proud! You do such a great job!
Kevin is so sweet.... bringing you those pretty flowers and that dessert tart looks so delish...he sure knows how to make a girl's day, doesn't he?
Yes, sweetie whatever has been going on in your life...it will pass. Nothing never stays the same. (words my grandma used to tell me as a young adult, when I'd be a little down over a situation or trial....now, after all of these years later.... they ring in my head, and I'm so glad that she shared her wisdom with me. "Nothing Never Stays The Same". So True. Girl, I tell ya, I have been having my share of trials over the last several months too.... but I have hope...and I know that all things work out for our good. They always have. It may not seem like it, at the time, but I feel like God works it out, as he sees fit, and much better than I ever could myself. In every trial, I always remind myself that it's darkest just before the dawn, and Nothing ever stays the same.... this too shall pass.
I hope you have a happy and very blessed day! You have always been a blessing to me!
Big Hugs,
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