Isn't this the most lush looking nest you've ever seen!? I'd like to climb into it myself. I bet it would've been so cozy. Unfortunately, a few days after I took this we had a big wind storm and it blew off. I didn't see any eggs, so I hope the little couple rebuilds. Every year the same birds come and build above one of our collumns. I will try to get a photo of them, but when you go near they fly away. I look forward to welcoming them each year.
This is a nest from a few years ago. They built this one in a hanging basket. Quick! Someone get that boid a woim!

Hi Nikki :)
Those birdie babies are so cute! I hope they come back too :)
About the farmhouse... as far as cosmetics, the walls (we looked under some of the wallpaper), ceilings and floors are all fine. We have to figure out if it's structurally sound though. It has heating, but it will need air, although it seems to be the same tempurature inside all the time, cold or not outside.
Another agent is coming to look at this house on Tuesday, so we'll see what she thinks. The first one told us that we couldn't get that much for our house because of all the foreclosures, but our house doesn't look anything like the others, so we'll see what this new one thinks. The house will probably be listed after that.
Anyway, thanks for your support on this :)
Oh, look at those cute little birdies. I hope they build a new nest.
Jaede xxx
Hi Nikki, I just now found my way here. Love your blog..will put it on my list!
Enjoyed seeing all the photos. Your cute little guy is certainly getting to be a big guy!WOW!
Your mom's cakes are gorgeous!
I got the info on Beth's family estate sale. I think we're going to try to get there on Friday, 23rd. We know the general vicinity. It sounds like they will have some nice things.
Aren't the little birdies so sweet? And that nest is beautiful! Great photo!
Also ~ I forgot to tell you, Brad said they played a couple of swing tunes at their prom, and he had fun dancing to them! :)
That really is a beautiful nest, and perfect in that corner! I don't think someone could have handcrafted something that wonderful! The baby birds are such a cute find!
Thank you everyone! Pat, I hope to get to the sale as well. We're going to see the quilt exhibit at the Art Museum that day. Becca, I'm glad they played some swing music at prom. How fun!
Rue, sending more magic house dust your way!
What a sweet nest. I've never seen them use fresh greens like that. Do you know what kind of bird made this? Baby birds are so ugly cute ;-)
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