Nova's ready to hop on!
Tickets please! Nova isn't so sure about this guy...
Nova's ticket was punched with his initial "N". Pretty cool, eh?
And we're off! Look, a bridge! We get to go over it...this is Lake Taneycomo.
Let's go to the observation car!
Boy, you can see everything from up here!
Whew! It's bright up here! Very tight seating too. There wasn't room for all of us! Kevin's on the other end of the car~
There's Kevin in the hat! A few cars down you can see another observation dome.
Whoa, we're going around a curve!
We're way up high~ look at the pretty country side...
On the way back, we had a whole car to ourselves. If I remember right, it was from 1954. It was relaxing here, and we could hear the music better. Traveling songs such as Sentimental Journey, Pennsylvania 65000, Chattanooga ChooChoo, ect.
We went through long dark tunnels and saw a winding stream along the way.
Cut shoes, eh? Both from Walmart.
Time to get off~ here's a shot of that dining car we were on,
A nice passenger took this family photo. Rue, anything look familiar? I have a great "off" white, lol... I bought it at Liz Claiborne for $10 when they were going out of business in February. I really need something smaller, I carry everything but the kitchen sink in here and it kills me!
Thank you for riding along with us. We had fun! Nova was so good on the entire Branson trip so I bought him a battery powerd James engine for the ride home. Toot-toot!

Well don't you and your sweeties look adorable. Looks like you had a terrific trip.
OH, take the picture of you and your family standing in front of the train and make it Sepia....will look so vintage!!! Great post!!!
What a handsome family! Aren't train rides fun?
We went on our local version of the Polar Express last year and had a blast. Of course we were the only family there with grown children but they still got a visit from Santa even if they are 25 & 19. ;) Sadly, I couldn't con them into wearing their PJ's. Party poopers.
I so love your retro style!
This looks like so much fun. Your family is beautiful and you are such a knock out~! I love riding on the train, this makes me want to go on a trip. Have a great rest of the week.
Ooh, this looks like it was a fun day! I've never been on a train... just a subway. Did it take you anywhere special? Did you get off and get to walk around or anything? Nova is so gorgeous!!!!!!!
Justine :o )
Hi Nikki, I have so been enjoying your wonderful blog!!!...I meant to leave a comment the other day & for some reason got pulled away!?..Your vintage clothes & lifestyle are so something I LOVE!!! I sometimes think I too was born to the wrong era! :)...Anyway, you have a lovely family & what a delightful trip you treated us all to as well!...and thank you for visiting me!!...& I have added you in my "giveaway"! Enjoy your day!...heidi XO
Way to go, Wal mart girl! :)
m ^..^
Oh that looks like so much fun and your son looks totally amazed! Thanks for the visit, and no the cake is fake, I did make it though. Your right about the boys, I prefer they hang out here so I can keep an eye on them. Boys can look so mature on the outside but they are very immature in some ways on the inside,honestly do they ever grow up, LOL. (We won't tell them I said that).
That looks like fun! I just saw your weight loss ticker! YOU LOST 80 lbs? Wow that is great! Congratultions! You must feel great! You look great!
Hello Sweet Nikki!
What a fun day you had on the train! Love the "N" on your sons ticket! You look GREAT as always!
Have nice weekend!
Hi Nikki! What a fun trip y'all had!
Stop by my blog ~ I've given you an award!
Angelic Accents
That was so much fun! Beautiful scenery! I bet Nova loved it!
This is wonderful. Your photos are great and will make such a nice memory for Nova. I loved riding trains. It's been years!
Awh! Little boys and trains...And southern MO. you can't beat that. Toooo cute.
Hi Nikki :)
You crack me up with that purse! LOL They DO get heavy!
I LOVE trains!! I wish I could've gone with you.
Off to read more....
This looks like a really fun trip! I love train rides, and my dad just loved trains as his father had worked for the railroad! Nova looks like he is having the time of his life, and even though he is little, I bet he remembers this!
The last train ride I took was in Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, to the Agawa Canyon. It was a great trip!
Bet Nova really enjoyed getting his own little train!
Oh my this looks like so much fun!!! I think the heights would scare me though! But I have to ask- do you have to look so cute everywhere you go?!?! Seriously!?! LOL!!
And look at Nova- he is so precious! I just wanna kiss those cheeks!
What a great time you must have had!
-Heather :)
Nova is such a cutie. Oh that dining car, such luxury and what we have now is called progress ????? Love the beautiful scenery.
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