I brought along this fruit salad to share.
Here's my simple recipe:
Onc can Peach Pie Filling
Poor filling in serving bowl, cut up peaches. Add fruit of choice and mix. I like Granny Smith apples, bananas, kiwi, red grapes, blueberries, strawberries and a can of chunked pineapple and mandarin oranges (both drained). I'm wearing this vintage 40's rayon dress for the party, as it has Heather's favorite hydrangeas on it. (Got this for steal at $5!)
I brought gifts wrapped in this darling vintage paper, adorned with bright pink and yellow ribbons!

And it cost just 50 cents back then!! (Went for over $50.00 on ebay)
Now every little girl must have a pinafore dress~ how about this little vintage number?

And precious Cali must ride in style! Won't Kyle and Bella have fun pushing this around?
And now for some modern duds... I could not pass these up!

Can't forget the shoes!

I simply cannot show my face at a baby shower without baring this gift. It is the bomb. Nova never had a rash unless he was teething, then his face and bottom would flare up. I could always see immediate improvement after one application.

Game time! Every guest gets a peice of pink bubble gum and an index card. Write your name on the bottom of the card. You must chew the gum for a few seconds and then take it out and try to mold a baby out of it, laying it on your card. You've got 2 minutes to make a baby people!! Heather, you must choose who's gum baby looks best!

I hope you all had a wonderful time at Heather's baby shower for little Cali. Heather and Marc, best wishes and congratulations. I'm sure big brother Kyle and big sister Bella will be very proud when Calista arrives. Hugs to you all!

That was fantastic! Loved all of the sweet treasures you gave for gifts... I'm a sucker for lil girl shoes, though... so precious! Your bubble gum sculpture game was a HOOT... LOL ~wiping the stickie from my fingers~ It was a fun Baby Shower, wasn't it?!
LOL!!! Oh my word girl I am laughing so hard...this was fantastic! I loved every minute of it! but the hiny paste and the bubble gum baby got me laughing so hard I am almost choking here!!! lol Oh I can tell you would make everyone have such a great time at any occasion! I am sure Heather is gonna love this!!!
Fabulous, fabulous! Loved everything in this post! :) I'm so glad you brought a game...I knew there was something I was forgetting! :) ...still laughing at the hiney cream! LOL! When I was putting the finishing touches last night on my post, I thought...wonder what Nikki would wear? And I wanted to incorporate it in the post, but I couldn't imagine what it would be....so, after reading about your awesome dress, I went back and added it! :) The fruit salad looks delish, I will have to save that recipe for a real shower! LOL!
Thank you so much for being a part of this special occasion. You were such a wonderful asset to the shower!
~Rhonda :)
Oh, how much fun was this shower party! I cracked up when I saw the Butte Paste!! I needed some of that for my son - he always had diaper rash - such a sensitive little bum. Wasn't this cute! Loved the bubble gum baby game! And Nikki, dear, you look mahhhhhvelous in that vintage dress! This was so much fun!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Very cute post. I love the vintage items you found!
Oh wow, that is the most beautiful baby carriage I've ever seen in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gorgeous! And the clothes you picked were all too darling, especially the toile dress!
Justine :o )
What beautiful things! Both the vintage and modern! Your dress is gorgeous! And I love that little red toile dress.
HI Nikki, Just had to stop by & let you know how charming your post was today! This baby shower for Heather was a wonderfully lovely idea of Rhonda's!...I am so happy to have met you & will be back to visit! Enjoy your weekend!...Heidi XO
I LOVE THIS!!!!!! All of the vintage goodies are incredible! That rattle/teether.....OMG!!! TDF!! And that buggy! Which Calista is going to look adorable in wearing her little vintage pinafore in!!!
I have never seen the bubblegum baby game! That is too much fun!!
And that baby book had never been used?? What a find! Oh I guess it is best just to say I love it all!!
Thank You SO much for taking part in this and giving me such a special day! I am so overwhlemed today!
Love ya
Heather :)
PS I LOVE your dress! PERFECTION!!
Hi Nikki,
You did a great job on your shower post for Heather. The dress you are wearing is adorable. I'll have to remember the bubble gum game if I'm ever a hostess for a baby shower again. I'm sure Cali will look adorable in all the clothes, but the little red sandals really caught my eye!
What a great post!! Leave it to you to come up with all this! I love all the vintage things! Cute, cute!!
P.S. - my daughter used the butt paste on Caden too! LOL!
What an adorable post, and that baby book, just wow. I love the bubble gum game.
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