The POOP lottery that is~
Nova swallowed the penny Saturday, (see previous post), and I found it Monday morning.
I'm so relieved, because the more I read about "swallowed money" the more worried I became. Apparently, pennies made before 1982 were 95 % copper and somewhat *safe*... but pennies made after that are zinc covered with copper and can react with stomach acids and become corrosive as car battery acid, VERY dangerous~ can cause ulcers and upset stomach and even liver and bone marrow damage. You can read an article here. A penny found in a two year old boy had HOLES in it from the acid reaction!!
So, here is one expensive penny~
Lincoln looks a bit pale.
Of course I don't know what it looked like before, but I'm assuming the different color patina is from stomach acid. There are some pits in the penny as well. How scary! And check out the date, 1983. Just ONE year after they quite making the copper ones!!
It's rather pretty isn't it? Like a fall leaf~
This may be TMI, but someone might need this info some day... I then squished around on the bag till I felt the penny. SO glad I only had to do this TWICE. I wore gloves and washed and washed. Used an old toothbrush and bleach too. After all that Kevin still didn't want to touch it, ha!
I had been shoving food down Nova left and right too, to *move things along*...
Hooty HOOO! Yay for Nova! Your post is too funny! I wouldn't let his friends know as he gets older... they might want him to make change.... : )
Seriously though.... I had no idea how dangerous it had has become. I'm glad everything is okay. EPluribus Unum! : )
Glad everything "turned out in the end". ;)
I swallowed a dime when I was about his age, and while I don't remember swallowing it, I do remember when it was "found".
Well congratulations...mmmm I guess! LOVE the music you chose to go with your post! That is too cute. Glad to hear everything worked it's way out. Sure is a bit stressful with little ones sometimes!
Enjoy poopfree days!
"Won the Lottery!" Too funny! I had wondered how you would do a follow-on of this! LOL! Leave it to you to come up with a good one! I'm glad "everything came out okay!" ;-) LOL!
Whoa...I am out of not holding my breath, from reading this! So funny.
I'll store the penny info away, just in case! Who knew! The year I was born there were only zinc pennies minted. That's the only year that happened, 1943. I have a charm bracelet with three of the 1943 pennies attached.
Oh the things we do as mommies!!! You are a brave soul my dear....LOL!!! Hey, stop by sometime. I miss ya.
Hey Nikki! Oh, how scary....thank goodness everything's okay now. I love the way you tell the story of how you found it, and how you are calling it being on poop patrol.... you are too funny girl! Bless Nova's little heart. I remember my Austin swallowing one, a long time ago. It was scary too, this brought back memeories for me. BTW...thanks so much for coming over, and for the sweet compliments. You always make my day!
OMG, how utterly disgusting, but heeheeheeeeeeeeeeeee! It's hysterical too, because I'm sitting here picturing you in one of those hazmat suits, all geared up to squish through the poop!
Justine :o )
Aren't you so proud of Nova for making money at such an early age? My son produced a dime...I didn't even know he had swallowed it either! I bet he won't do that again. Funny post. Thanks for sharing:p
Nikki, Glad thats over for you all! Guess a penny saved wasa penny pooped!!! Had to say it! My son put a bell and a pea in his nose. both were a chore! And same kid had a small tiny bead go in his eye and also squeezed a container of baby powder with cornstarch in his eyes! It was like glue!!!KIDS!!! later, Lori
Now you know what they meant when they said a mother's work is never done! You must be "pooped" :)
M ^..^
Wow, who would have thought that being in the digestive system a couple days would do this to a penny! Scary! So glad little Nova is ok.
Yeah, I would have looked through the pooh too, but probably wouldn't have thought to put it in a baggie and squeezing through to find it, lol.
Have a happy evening, fellow poopy poster!
I'm just glad everything came OUT alright...LOL!
Whew! So glad you got the penny back! tee hee! I know how scary it is when my dog swallows something he shouldn't, can't imagine how scary it is with your child! I'm glad you shared how you did everything, my brother has 2 little girls, and you never know when that info will come in handy! (hopefully never, but ... just in case!)
Really scary stuff about the copper, too. I didn't know that.
Makes ya wonder what else is on all the money we touch everyday! LOL. I am glad you won the lottery and he is okay. Your song is adorable to go along with the story!
Good for Nova for producing the penny so quickly and good for his mommy for helping to move things along. You must have breathed such a sigh of relief. Your nails are lovely by the way. xxoo
OMG Nikki! That is too funny. I think every kid has to do this once in their childhood LOL
I'm glad he pooped it out LOL
Oh and go ahead and post your chairs! I wanna see :)
Hilarious post. Hilarious soundtrack in the background. :-)
Now come on over to the Lettered Cottage blog and tell me about your dream life....I can only imagine how delightful yours would be!
The Lettered Cottage
Wow. Now that penny can officially say it has been EVERYWHERE. I wonder if anyone else had ever pooped it out before previously? Hmmm. Interesting! Praise Jesus that the year was 83!!!!!!!! Wow.
So glad to hear everything came out alright in the
That is a cute story! You should save it for him!!
LOL the things we have to do as mothers! I'm glad everything came out okay hehehe
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