Have you ever been searching eBay and stumbled across something you weren't looking for? And it's something really cool that you hope no one else will see because it must have been listed funny? Well, this is one of those special things.
It's a vintage bedding set from the 20's or 30's. Gorgeous shades of salmon pink taffeta and robin's egg blue satin. Embroidered with CHENILLE y'all! Variegated chenille!! Amazing applique work done with metallic thread. Just absolutely phenomenal. I'm in complete awe at the handwork on this piece.
And yet, it is QUITE frou-frou. And I believe it is a twin size. I certainly did not need this set. It doesn't even fit my bed! But I just kept thinking that what if it went for a really low price and I didn't even try for it? So, I put in a bid of $40.00. Much to my surprise, I got it for $35!!! I'm still shocked, and this was months ago! And when I received this wonderful work of art in the mail, it was even more beautiful than I thought~ photos don't do it justice. If I were to sell this today, I would not let it go for under $300. I wish I had a guest room with a twin bed!
Here's that headboard that I showed you in my last post! I had Kevin raise it about 15 inches so the pillows wouldn't cover up the detail.

Please note this is not how my room usually looks, and the drapes are not how I want them. Just playing here... plus I don't have a steamer *yet* and I'm not touching this set with an iron! 
The pink taffeta shams are vintage from the 50's. The blue floral sheet set is Laura Ashley. I got a great deal on these goodies as well.
Check out that chenille folks! Click to enlarge and see the fine metallic threaded appliques. Le Gasp! (Hmm... for some reason this isn't clicking, but the pillow one below works!)

The pink taffeta shams are vintage from the 50's. The blue floral sheet set is Laura Ashley. I got a great deal on these goodies as well.

Beautiful pleating on top of the pillow~

Can you imagine being the lucky girl who got to crawl under this each night? The set also includes two dresser scarves, two mini scarves, and a heart shaped pillow. I'm assuming the mini scarves went with one of the dresser scarves for a vanity with different levels, or perhaps a chair.
Here's the underside, lined with cotton.

Let's look to the right~ I bought this dresser years ago from my girlfriend for $15. Gee, how I love these drapes. I wish I could find more. They are from Bed, Bath and Beyond. Clearanced out, I had to run to two diffrent stores just to buy what they had. So if anyone sees any, please let me know! They're Shauna Velvet; Blue, or blu.

The cherub lamps are very special. The one on the left side of the bed was my Grandma Bertha's. I have always loved it. One day I was out yard saling, was doing a drive by on one that didn't look so hot~ when suddenly I spotted this lamp sitting in the middle of their driveway! I think I paid 50 cents for it! It didn't have a shade, and later another girlfriend gave me a lamp that had a shade that matched my other cherub lamp! WOOHOO!
I made the picther and bowl in ceramics.
The lipstick holder was a secret Santa gift, and the perfume bottles inside were my Grandma Goldie's. Silver brush from ebay, $15!

Jewelry from Grandma Goldie, beside carafe from an auction.

Now on to the left side! My parents got me this vanity when I was about 13.

$25 chair from antique store.

Photo of Nova from his 2nd birthday. A few of my vintage hair combs... a chocolate box from my girlfriend Zsa Zsa, (Linda)
The comb with ivory flowers was my headpiece I made for my wedding day.
We found the glass bottle in the house~

Colonial scene handbag that I LOVE, I carried this for quite a while and had miniature pink tassles hanging from the strap. On top of it is a vintage hairbow from Grandma Goldie, and net lace gloves. The candle is "happy moments" from PartyLite. The fur collar is from my friend who made my wedding dress!

I tried to get a pic of my glittery walls!

I don't have to have a twin bed, I can just do this!
If the bed looks crooked, that's because it is. Our floors are SO uneven, that I have two risers on the right side and one of the left. Which still makes the right side slightly higher. We'll have to rig up something special...If I take away one on the right there's a huge difference.

What an absolutely gorgeous room you have...it looks like it could be right out of a Romantic Home magazine! You are the Queen of good buys...great finds on Ebay, there. Have a lovely Pink Saturday.
What a lot of lovely photos of your room! Your vintage bedding set is really pretty, and I love your cherub lamp (I loved mine so much it got packed, shipped to Scotland, and rewired so I can use it! - It was an eBay find, too). Thanks for sharing! Happy Pink Saturday. :-) Stacey
Eye candy everywhere. That was so pretty. The detail in that bedding is incredible. Lucky lucky girl.
Happy PS
Beautiful!!! You've done some work on this room, I tell you!!!!
Amazing. Your bedroom is so vintage that even your floors are vintage! Happy Pink Saturday! I'm giving away a BOX of new books. Come enter.
How luxurious. Love the pinks and the satins - very feminine.
Oh boy, Oh boy, this was a treat!!!!!!!!!! I'm not even into vintage stuff, but this bedding has me DROOLING! It's absolutely gorgeous and I love the way you have it set up on the bed now. It looks PERFECT. I cannot believe you got that for $35. Holy crapola!!!!!!!!!
It was so fun to see all the meaningful stuff you keep in your room. It's gotta feel great to be surrounded by that much history.
Justine :o )
Wow, that vintage bedspread is just Over-the-top gorgeous!! I clicked to enlarge and see the applique work - wow. What a lucky find. You've got the style to pull off a piece like that, too, you glamorous thing you!
Wonderful Pink SAturday post
Oh, that satin/ taffeta set is so very beautiful. I would do all my entertaining in the bed room just to show it off. The entire room is gorgeous. xxx
Happy Pink Saturday!
First of all love this music, my mother used to dance to it! Wow!
And your bedroom is just a PINK fantasy!
~ Gabriela ~
I can't believe you got that set for only $35! What a steal! It really is amazing. So precious! I love that you got all those dresser scarves and pillows with it too. Just incredible that someone sold it for so low. You vignettes are all beautiful! I have a feeling that if I ever saw your home, I would spend hours just looking at all your pretty stuff!
Hi again Nikki,
Thanks for stopping by. The answer to the question about the bowl is it is an old bowl that we had cut.
Talk to you later
What a lot of lovely photos of your room! Happy Pink Saturday!
Blessings, Virginia
Just yummy, such delicious details and elegance!
Hello Sweet Nikki!
I would never want to leave this bedroom if I had all this! It is so lovely and romanic! Your bedding is goreous to say the least!!! Love all your touches!
Happy Pink Saturday dear!
What an elegant suite you have created. I looked back through your blog to watch the transformation, and I'm in awe!
I love your blog!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi Nikki! Oh, what a beautiful bedroom and those bed covers are just gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Nikki, everything looks just gorgeous, so you!! I love it all!
You have been busy, girl!
I hope you will visit my new blog!
http://christiansprayerpower.blogspot.com/ Please join us!
After being away for a little while to honor the passing of our Dad, I'm catching up on all my blog favorites.
I LOVE what you've done to your boudouir! You have such great ideas and everything comes together perfectly. Thanks for sharing those lovely pictures. xxoo
I love finding things like that on ebay or wherever. Fits perfectly in your beautiful boudoir. Lovely.
You got an amazing deal. Finding treasures for a great price is the best! I hope you are having a good weekend.
Happy Pink Saturday, Nikki.
Girl, I certainly see why you are in love with this set. It is not only unusual, but it is gorgeous. I love the way you folded it across the foot of your bed.
And, I so enjoyed seeing all of your pretty things. It is wonderful that you have special things which belonged to your family.
Your bedroom is absolutely stunning!! From the gorgeous bedding to all of your lovely trinkets. You have a great eye for detail and lots of luck to boot to be able to find such wonderful vintage treasures.
Happy Belated Pink Saturday..
It's a wonderful room Nikki. I can't help but wonder the work that went into the entire set and about who made it, and for whom. Obviously for someone very special. I know it's in the right hands now.
Thanks for sharing. I always look forward to your posts.
Hi Nikki! I'm back again! Well, you of all people must get you a Gone With The Wind Lamp - one would certainly set your beautiful bedroom off!! Oh, just let me know when you post your bathroom snaps and I'll come get you and show you to the world!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh Nikki!
Your bedroom is absolutely STUNNING!
How does Kevin feel about it.
I know my hubby wouldn't like to crawl into a girlish looking bed *rolls eyes*
Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Oh Nikki!
Your bedroom is absolutely STUNNING!
How does Kevin feel about it.
I know my hubby wouldn't like to crawl into a girlish looking bed *rolls eyes*
Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Hey Nikki!
Oh girl, I just loved this wonderful tour of your bedroom...pretties around every corner and lots of sentimental treasures too. I love the bedding set from ebay....what a deal, and the scalloped duvet is so pretty too. The thing that really captures my heart is the vanity with all of your special things...but wait I love the head board too, the lamps,the drapes....heck, I love everything in here. It has your very special touch and it's charming and vintage lovely! What a fun post!
Oh my gosh! I am sooooo in love with that incredible bedroom set. You were lucky to get that special deal, but I think it was meant to be yours...so it would be appreciated!!!
Love your decorating style!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Between the headboard and the amazing bedclothes, it reminds me of something straight out of the Dodge Mansion in Rochester, MI. I don't know how you drag yourself out of your bedroom everyday to get anything done. :o)
I love the bedspread!! You definitely got lucky on the price. It's definitely worth more than you paid. Aren't such bargains the best???
You have a beautiful room too. Everything is gorgeous.
SO beautiful!!!
You truly are Scarlett in that bed Nikki! The whole room is gorgeous! :)
Does sweet hubby bring you breakfast in the morning or perhaps Mammy?? ;)
There are so many pretty things on which to comment in this post, I honestly don't know where to begin!! That bedding is sooooooo gorgeous!!
Your bedroom is really looking beautiful!!
Again- drolling! I feel like I have stepped back in time looking thru your bedroom pics. I'll share a tip for the shams- I always put two pillows in each sham because even the new pillows dont seem to be plump enough to fill them. Two thin pillows fill them out nicely and help the shams stand strong!!
LOVE the room..........the little perfume bottles are a treasure!!
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