Welcome to another episode of PINK SATURDAY! Your host is Beverly at How Sweet the Sound. Please visit her blog to see others sharing their pinkness!
Today I'd like to tell you about Pink Hair for Hope.
Until the end of October, SO.CAP.USA hair extensions offers single pink human hair highlights for $10 each. All of the proceeds go directly to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

You can get as many as you like. Last year I got 3 put in for $30. There are different shades of pink to choose from. They are quite fun.
If you do not wish to sport pink strands yourself, perhaps take your daughter or grand-daughter to a salon and treat them. You can curl, straighten, and wash like normal. They are bonded on to tiny sections of your own hair. When you're ready to take them out, simply go back to the salon and it takes just a few minutes for the special removal process.

For a participating salon near you, call 1-877-855-HAIR
For a participating salon near you, call 1-877-855-HAIR
(the chart on the web page must be wrong, I know there are more participating salons than that!)
If your current salon does not offer Pink Hair for Hope, or hair extensions, it's a great time to put the bug in their ear! If your salon offers So.Cap extensions and is unaware of Pink Hair for Hope, all they have to do is register and order the pink hair in from the company.
Here are mine from last year. I had two on one side, and one on the other.
I haven't gotten any this year yet because our stylist who did them moved to another salon. You have to be certified to put them in, and it costs about $2K which is why I don't do them, lol! I'd love to tho, perhaps some day....
Remember to do your self exam and get your mammograms!
Aslo, please visit Life on Bonnie Lane to click on her special button in her side bar to help give free mammograms to those in need.
Great info & good reminder for us all.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Wow, how cool is that? I love getting colored extensions put in my hair, but Larry must do them differently, because I don't have to go back to the salon to have them taken out. They kinda just get loose after a few weeks and you can pull them out and then using rubbing alcohol to remove the rest of the gluey residue. You looked awesome with them!
Justine :o )
Such a great idea and Happy Pink Saturday to you too xxx
What a clever idea for Pink October! Extensions don't work for my hairstyle, but maybe I'll ask my stylist for some pink highlights!
A different idea. I've giving away 3 free books, so be sure to stop by. Happy Pink Saturday!
Ooh Nikki,I love them!
I would totally do that and I would take my teenage daughter with me.
That would be fun.
I love the way yours turned out.
My nieces would just love those pink hair extensions. What a great idea to share Pink Saturday.
Have a great weekend!!
How fun!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Thanks for the mention of my blog on your post! This month clicks are counting as double, and if they get enough clicks, 200 more women can get free mammograms!
Love those pink hair extensions! Yours look great! So fun! I don't think I could get away with that in a professional office though.
Such a neat idea, how would pink and gray look??
You look beautiful, as always!
How cute is that! And for such a worthy cause.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday, Nikki.
Good for you for supporting such a worthy cause. I love them, and you look terrific.
Love the hair extensions so pretty! I would look silly with one in mine yours looks very pretty. Happy Pink Saturday! Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Those are really cute :)
Thank for understanding the whole house thing. It comes off the market officially on the 30th. I think we're probably going to wait a year or two to try again. This time was just too stressful.
I have a hair question. My hair line is getting bald spots from pulling my hair back/up. How can I do cute up dos without going bald? Help me Obi Wan! You're my only hope!
Hi Anony~
First of all, be sure never to pull your hair back when it's wet. It is weakest then and will snap. If you are losing hair around your temples in triangle like patterns, it just may be genetics; unfortunately.
Big jaw clips are best, other that tight hair ties, ect. Don't put it up tight.
It's cute to take vertical sections of hair all the way around your head, starting from the bottom, and clipping up with bobby pins or tiny jaw clips. Esp. if you scrunch your hair first, or roll on hot rollers, ect.
Braids are great too... look up how to in google if you don't know how, and just practice by feel while you're in front of the TV, ect... if you try to watch yourself in the mirror you'll get frustrated.
Don't know if you have bangs, but if so, grow them out. Then when your hair is up, you can section this front part out. Part on the side and swoop these sections back and pin to cover bald or thin spots.
On my lazy days I like to twist mine up in a big jaw clip, and pin a fake hair piece on top of it to look like I spent a lot of time on it.
Hope this helps!
What a great idea~ I'll have to ask my hair dresser if she can do that!
What a fun idea, my daughter would love that. Thank you for the information.
Hey Nikki!
The pink hair strands are so neat and what a great cause too...Your's looked so pretty that you had gotten last year! You are a pretty lady....and what a cute Gypsy you make! I love that costume.
BTW...thank you so much for visiting me on all those posts and for all the comments you left....what fun they were!
Hope you have a great week!
I had forgotten about this! I will have to check my salon.
I'd just LOVE a pink highlight! That's too neat.
Good for you for supporting such a worthy cause.
Happy belated Pink Saturday!
Blessings, Virginia
Thanks for the hair tips, Nikki. I had no idea I had posted anonymously.
You and your georgous hair! It even looks totaly great with the pink!
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