We've been moving furniture around here at the Scarlett Rose Garden.
Took one cabinet out of the parlor, needed to paint it and move it to my craft room... here it is:
I forgot to take a before shot before I tested the paint!

Note the center of the pediment is broken off, and there are drips from the previous finish. This cupboard was given to me~ a trash to treasure.
I painted it yellow, and plan to do some other embellishment on the doors. I know, I know... it's an old primitive cupboard but that finish had to go.

The inside... this will house most of my hoarded fabric!
Took one cabinet out of the parlor, needed to paint it and move it to my craft room... here it is:
I forgot to take a before shot before I tested the paint!

Note the center of the pediment is broken off, and there are drips from the previous finish. This cupboard was given to me~ a trash to treasure.
I painted it yellow, and plan to do some other embellishment on the doors. I know, I know... it's an old primitive cupboard but that finish had to go.

The inside... this will house most of my hoarded fabric!

Ok, so we took that cabinet upstairs to the craft room. Brought down a white pre-fab cabinet and put it on the back porch. Moved the black wicker chair from the back porch and put it on the front porch.
Then, we broke down the knock down French armoir that was also in the parlor, and set it back up in the dining room (for now).
Oops..... back up. I first moved a chair out of one corner of the dining room, then moved my library table to THAT corner, and now the armoir is in the corner where the library table had been!
Next, we will move the small deco armoir that is in the dining room... upstairs in the hall by the landing.
Then, we'll bring in a china cabinet that a friend of Kevin's gave him, that just so happens to match my buffet. Woohoo!
Hope to get some storage built in my craft room, and the rest of the stuff moved out of the parlor. The parlor needs new drywall and refinished floors. But.......... we have to do the bathroom upstairs first. The plumbing for the bath goes thru the ceiling of the parlor.
Still with me? Got all that??
Ok... now don't forget, I'm also getting ready for the
Gone With the Wind Ball!
I hope you are too.
I've started a list of those who said they would participate under the button in my sidebar. If your name isn't there and it should be, please let me know! Some of the comments were vague and I wasn't sure, or I don't have your link.
There is still time to click here or click on the button if you are interested in joining the party; of course everyone is invited to attend whether you're participating or not!
I'm so excited to get all this furniture moved around. We've been so busy socially, etc.. that we're finally getting some time to get things done around here! We'll have to see how far the money stretches on the reno projects tho....
Nikki, what a beautiful job finishing your cabinet. It reminds me of the french country piece that houses my computer. Kudos to you. Have just a fantastic evening!!!
Busy as a Bee you were!!
I just love the cabinet....
The cabinet turned out beautiful, you did a fantastic job! That is exactly what I need to store my supply of fabric!
I like your cabinet. It will be perfect for keeping all of your fabrics neat and tidy. I have an old cabinet that is similar but I have it in storage. It has never been painted and it just doesn't go with my cottage. My dad gave it to me years ago and it was hand made. I might get brave like you and paint it one day.
Nikki, you are one busy little bee! All things in a new place, great fall project!
You wore me out just reading your post! LOL!!
So looking forward to the ball...actually I will be partying all weekend as we are doing a teddy bear show online...drop by if you have time.
When You Dare to Dream
Holy shit! Now WHY have you moved all of that furniture to other places in the house? Just bored? Or making room for the china cabinet that's going into the dining room? I love that thrifted cabinet, and I totally agree that finish was ugly. Yellow much better!
Justine :o )
Hi Nikki! I am still planning on attending the GWTW ball. I'm getting my gown dry cleaned just for the occassion! LOL!
Can't wait to see your armoir in its new home! :)
I love the pale yellow color that you painted your cabinet with, beautiful!
I just posted my GWTW post, please put my name on the party! Thanks!
Oh girl...I love that cabinet! It sounds like you have been busy changing furniture around.... It sounds like such fun...(well not moving around the heavy furniture part), but changing things around so fun! I can't wait to see everything. Do a post when you get fininshed and get time okay!?
Big Hugs,
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