If you have not read the book, you simply must. You don't know what you are missing. So much that they could never fit into a movie, and they tried their hardest!

Margaret herself said that the film had the PERFECT cast. I love these photos of Margaret and Vivien Leigh~ both avid cat lovers. Just like Scarlett, Vivien was from French descent. Viv was so passionate about wanting to play Scarlett and it was an absolute miracle that she was discovered for the role.

I've been hard at work getting things ready for the Ball. Our home is 100+ years old and we have been working on it for 6 years. This is our stairway. We only recently took down the safety gate for our son. There is still much to do in this area. No trim around the windows but I just had to dress them up for the occasion!
I am the queen of cheap and when I saw this trim at a fabric store that was closing, I waited until the price dropped very low! It was originally $11.99/yard and I got it for $22 for 25 yards! It was fun to "pet" the whole bolt, so soft!

His work is amazing. He did a version of the velvet party gown in green as well, as it was described in the book.

There was another version to the drapery dress too, but it was deemed to exspensive to make.

There were also other variations of the BBQ gown... but this one won out. I'm so glad!

Now let's see.... whatever shall I wear for the BALL?

The drapery dress? Naw... much too bulky.

The blue mill bustle gown? Uh-uh. Too constricting.
And naturally I can't wear a red robe to a ball either!

White ruffles? Hmmm... too frilly.

Ahhh, the blue portrait gown. Nope, too heavy.

The jewel encrusted velvet?? My heavens NO!
Only a jezebel would wear such a thing!

Green sprigged frock? YES, just right!

Mammy, be a "doll" and help me put on my dress~

I just took this Timeless Treasures Scarlett Barbie out of her NRFB state yesterday. What fun! Mammy is a World doll, they were sold in Cracker Barrel restaurants for the 50th Anniversary.
I had better get into my corset first~ custom made by Christine Hall.

This dress is actually a work in progress. The skirt is replica fabric from Pegee of Williamsburg and cost around $600 for the bolt, all of which is needed for the gown. I bought the dress pre-made from my friend Dee of Scarlett Online. She had had the dress made for herself many years ago and the seamtress butchered the fabric and made a very ill fitting garment for Dee. She wanted to have another gown made by a new seamstress, so I took on the task of fixing the frock for myself. I will have to make new ruffles for the neckline, the original gown from the film had over 1,000 buttonholes for the velvet to weave through! ACK!
Dee then found *the* GWTW seamstress extraordinaire and is very happy. If you want a screen accurate, museum quality garment, please visit GWTW4Ever, she does phenomenal work and is a long time gwtw collector.
So, for this picture I am actually wearing the Pegee fabric skirt with the top from this "naughty Scarlett" costume, LOL!

Scarlett wore 35+ costumes in the film. When the Franklin Mint came out with the 16" vinyl Scarlett doll years ago, I had to have her and all of her clothes. Some of the outfits I had made by Alana, as the mint didn't offer them at that time. Such as the wedding gown and the shanty dress; both of which the mint put out later.
Then in recent years, Tonner has come out with a GWTW line as well. Of course I had to buy one of their Scarletts! She can wear most of the mint's clothes and they have put out a fine wardrobe too.
The Franklin Mint Scarlett doll case was fashioned after the hat box that Rhett brings from Paris.

Here is Melly, (Melanie), laying on the bed while I took all of the ensembles out of their boxes and put them in the doll cases. (I have Rhett and Rose from Titanic too.) I don't even think Melly was full grown here. She has been doing fine, BTW. Still on the special cat food diet.
OY! This was before we redid the bedroom. I hated that Cookie Monster blue carpet!
Here's a collage of some of my dolls and the intricate little dresses~
click to enlarge, then click the back button

This is a 21" Madame Alexander Cissy doll, dressed in the red staircase robe made by Alana. She needs a new wig. I have the wig from the plaid mill dress, but not the dress.
I think I had better stop there, whew!
Here's a few links before I sign off. I run two yahoo groups if you are interested in learning more about the costumes or dolls, Gone With the Wind Garments and Scarlett O'Hara Vinyl Portrait. If you'd like to see more of my collection or better photos, click here. The tags at the end of this post will direct you to other gwtw posts here at The Scarlett Rose Garden.
Remember, I'm having a GWTW give away! So please leave a comment so your name can go in the drawing.
All of the GWTW Blogland Ball participants are below and in my sidebar, be sure to waltz on over and see them all! We are so glad you came!
(If your blog is not listed or you want it removed, please let me know!)
A Southern Rose
All the Queen's Chocolate
Angelic Accents
Beansie Babbles
Christine's Home and Travel Adventures
Colleen's Quilting Journey to Oz
Edie Marie's Attic
Fantasy and Fancy
Florence and Mary
Hooked On Houses
Loveleigh Treasures
Monkeyshine Business
My Enchanted Home
My Suzy Homemaker
Rose Vignettes
Rue's Peanut Butter and Jelly Life
Sassy Mini Dolls
Sherri's Jubilee
Simplistic Life in a Small Town
Soul Talk 777
Southern Sass
Tea With Miss Janice
The Pawsh Poodle
The Sunny Side of the Sun Porch
The Way We Are
Todas somos reinas
Unshelved Words
Yellow Rose Arbor
The Party's on! Love your collection of GWTW memorabilia! Those costume illustrations are to die for. This was such a good idea. Glad you thought of it! :)
PS I'm also glad that Miss Melly is doing well. :) Your home is coming right along! Looks great!
I cannot believe your extensive collection! I am most envious of your Scarlett wardrobe. What fun to be able to play dress up in them! I've always thought those Walter Plunket sketches were amazingly beautiful. What a fantastic thing to own, not to mention all the dolls and the trips to the museums. I think you are a true fan! Thanks so much for hosting, I looked forward to this for weeks and had so much fun!
Wow so pretty. I would love to have a replica of the dress like you.
Thanks so much for hosting this great party. 70 years! Wow!
I have tried and tried to find out what happened to that portrait, and now I know. I will HAVE to go the the MM house to see that. Darn kids! :)
You have such a wonderful collection of GWTW stuff. I'm so jealous of your wardrobe. I've seen some of the pics where you are modeling them. So cute.
Thanks again.
OMG...my collection was purely picture but to have those wonderful framed Plunket sketches would be wonderful ... you are a lucky girl obviously a real keen fan!
Warmest Hugs,
Thank you for hosting such a fun event Nikki! It was fun to see all your FABULOUS GWTW treasures, you have so many girl!
Please enter me in your giveaway!
Hugs, Sherry
Hi Nikki!
That fantastic party1
You have such a wonderful collection.
I am very happy for participating.
My mother adored the film and to Scarlett.
In my blog I have translator.
I'm late!! I'm so sorry Nikki!! I have the post up now....
Going to read yours now, but I just wanted to let you know.
You have no idea how jealous I am of your wardrobe. I tried to buy that costume I wore, but they wouldn't sell it to me... so not fair! Fantastic post Nikki Thank you for having the party :)
Now I'm off to visit everyone....
WOW...what a beautiful collection you have!! I had no idea some of that stuff even existed...I really really love the Walter Plunket sketches. Where would one find one of those? What a wonderful idea this was. Thanks for inviting me!! Have a wonderful time..Debbie
Nikki, I have been lost in your GWTW post for about a half hour! I can not express the wonder and excitement I have felt scrolling down through each and every fabulous picture. I feel like I must have been walking through the GWTW museum! Your pic in Scarlett's BBQ Dress is adorable, I am almost speechless! Although no one has ever accused me of that before!!! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to join in the fun and excitement of your ball. I will invite my Mother over to see it all!
I knew you would have some spectacular things and you did not disappoint.
By the way, the other day, I recognized you at the Scarlett online in the reproduction segment - you should be in the look alike segment!
Was actually wondering how everyone was fitting those dresses in their closet - your wardrobe and the way you store it is wonderful.
Love the info from the tour of Margaret Mitchell's home. Every GWTW fan should read her biography - a talented and independent woman much like Scarlett.
The dolls are so beautiful and such detail on their costumes.
Cute kitties with great names.
Thank you for all the info links and most certainly for hosting this wonderful blog party.
Thank you Nikki for inviting me to your GWTW ball. It was so much fun. I love all of your collections. Your costumes are gorgeous! Your costume prints are unbelievable! I love them! I love your curtains too! Your home is so beautiful!
Lee Laurie
Hi Nikki! What a beautiful post! Love all your dolls, and the mosaic you put together. I was hoping to put one of those together myself, but never quite made the time to.. I LOVE your drapes, and have thought of doing those same ones myself! I still may, "one of these days"! That's really great that you found the trim for such a nice price! Good for you!! Can't wait to blog hop around to see everyone else at "the ball"! Thank you for hosting such a fun event! I'm thinking MAYBE you might host ANOTHER one just like it someday??.. you think maybe??.. pretty please? (0; Please do keep in touch! I know I plan to do the same! Hope you're enjoying The Ball, and your holiday weekend! ~tina
You look lovely, dear! I am joining a local Victorian society but I've come to realize I'm going to have to sew whatever I want to wear. Yikes. I just re-watched the Titanic the other day. In the scene where Ruth comes in and helps Rose with her corset as she tells her never to see Jack again, it looks like that corset comes pretty far down her thighs. I did not know they came that long.
Wow, you really are a fan!
Great Ball! I've enjoyed all those that I've managed to visit!
OMG, you are truly a GWTW personna! What an absolutely fabulous collection you have!!!
In addition to wanting all of Scarlett's gowns in miniature I had thought about creating Tara in miniature but that would be such an undertaking so on my list is to recreate one room of it . . . . if I'll ever get around to it, who knows, I'll think about that tomorrow!
I am finally dressed for the ball! Sorry I was not ready when you visited earlier!
I just love your Plunket drawings. I love the way you have displayed them. I'm pea green with envy over your collection. You have thrown a grand party!
Hugs Ashley
Nikki, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all this, it's very interesting! Everything is so pretty! You are perfect in that barbeque dress! Our own little Scarlett!!
It was worth staying up late to post this! Thanks for hosting a fun party!
I live in McDonough, Georgia...just four exits south of Jonesboro. We have been stationed here for 3 years and I have not made it to the museum yet....I will though. I want to go see the movie when they replay at the Fox Theater...I love it too. I always thing life was so neat back in the days when the movie first came out...I have read that book Ya Ya sisterhood or something like that which paints such a neat picture of those days. Thanks for this reminder today!
Oh, I so love this movie! Your collection is outstanding. Be still my heart, that photo of Clark Gable is too much. Love your BBQ gown and thanks for sharing. Mumzie
Wonderful post! It's so fun to see your collecitons! They don't make 'em like Gable anymore either.
Love your post and those sketches are awesome...just beautiful. I adore all of your GWTW collection. It's simply the best movie ever!
Lord I'd die to have one of those staircase robes! It's so gorgeous. Wearing it just for the evening would make the whole day seem more luxurious, don't you think?
A ball, oh my gosh, whats a farm chick to wear? What fun and what a collection you have. I'm impressed and let me tell you it takes a lot to impress this gal. Have a fun Labor Day and God bless!!!
I love it, Nikki! Wonderful post!!
Nikki, I have been so inspired by all the rage about the ball! Now I have added to my post. I have found Scarlette in her green dress and straw hat ( Madame Alexander bride doll in a dress I made when Allison got her doll from Santa in 1989 she was 10) The 20" bride doll is mine that I got from Santa when I was 10 yrs old. She is almost 50 yr old as I will be 60 in Octobear. I made her a new wedding gown and veil this year. The tole painted ladies at the fence is titled "Gossip". I painted that in 1987. I think surely they are gossiping about Scarlett O'Hara having BBQ with all their beaus!
Unbelievable....that collection is amazing. You do Live and Love....Gone with the wind!
My post will be a bit late....Monday evening~trying to finish up my bedroom mess.
Can't wait to visit everyone else tonight too :)
Hey Sis!
Great Party! I need to come see the new pics on the stair case wall...better than the ol' flower pics!!
Hi Nikki,
I finally got my post up!!!
WOW you are a serious GWTW collector.... I want to come round and play with all your Scarlett dolls!
Victoria xx
Nikki, thanks so much for this fantastic party! You are such a wealth of information about GWTW and all its great costuming! I soooo love your Walter Plunkett sketches and how you have displayed them. That curtain that you fashioned is right on!! Perfect. You look like a doll in your BBQ dress. I know that you have so many more GWTW items, I think you should definitely do another post soon showing more! I'd have a blast going thru your wardrobe!
BTW, so glad that Miss Melly is doing better now ~ our Muffin is also on perscription cat food for his kidneys, too.
Fiddle Dee Dee,
Angelic Accents
Wow, a wonderful GWTW post. Thanks for letting me join in. I never thought about it, but I shoulod have posted my prom dress from the 80's which I made from a pair of drapes......next time!
::jumps for joy:: YAY!!! Im so excited about this post (I just discovered your blog)...Im originally from Georgia..and I grew up on GWTW...I adore Scarlett..and your post has just made me the happiest girl..Im going to go watch my GWTW dvds now..hehe
ps:BEAUTIFUL picture of you in the white/green dress...you look stunning..:D
You remind me so much of Scarlett it's unreal. Love your wardrobe and you look simply stunning in the green sprigged frock. Thanks for sharing your GWTW ball with us. It's been just lovely. xxoo
Absolutely one of my all time favorite movies! I too remember watching it each year when it came on TV as a young girl...it's amazing the impact that movie has had on so many!
Your Gone with the Wind collection is truly amazing .The dresses are beautiful. You make a lovely Scarlett. Thanks for hosting the Ball, I have enjoyed myself. 8-)
I'm amazed by all of your wonderful GWTW collectibles! Really love the signed Plunket sketches on your wall.
You're right about the novel. So many people have seen the movie and loved it but have never read the book. Maybe they think because it's old and has a lot of pages it might be stuffy or hard to read or something? It's not, though! I can open it to any page and fall right into it again. All these years later, it's still a page-turner.
Thanks for hosting this fabulous ball!!! :-)
This has been one of my favorite movies for a long time!
What a fun party!
Loved reading all of this. Boy you "windies" are a little off hehehe Hugs Nik
You've outdone your self! What beautiful costumes! And the original drawings...I'm so jealous! I'm sorry I'm fashionably late for the ball, but my post is up and I hope you will come by for a quick visit:) This was alot of fun! Thanks for being such a gracious hostess!
Boots here Nikki! Oh I wasn't able to make it -- time zone difference being in the Philippines. But I do LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the photos posted! Thank you for this. Gone with the Wind is never gone -- here. = )
Oh I'm late but oh so better late than... Your post is wonderful, I love the history and the gowns they are BEAUTIFUL! Oh so dreamy. Lovely party thanks for hosting.
Hi Nikki,
I finally made the round at the ball!!! Thanks for hosting! Your party was divine!
Absolutely stunning !!! Made me want to see the movie again. I love your dolls and costumes .
Ooh, this was so fun, Nikki! I loved looked at all of your dresses and other collectibles. I think the pictures at the top of the stairs are my favorite and I just love the placement of them!
Justine :o 0
WOW, I just don't know what to say! Windy, perhaps!?!
Omgosh this looks like fun but I haven't a thing to wear:<
I finally got my real post up.....my camera is giving me fits. Time for a new one I guess.
Now I can visit the other gals and let them know too.
Have a wonderful week :)
oh my goodness, I am stunned and in total awe of your draperies, prints, costumes and collections........ and pea green with envy Ms Scarlett!!! Rachaelxo
Hey Nikki!
What fun your ball was.... I enjoyed every inch of this post...I love all of your costumes and your cute commentary made for such fun reading! I am glad that your kitty is doing better too! I hope you have a great week!
Big Hugs,
P.S. By the looks of "Beautiful" you in that gorgeous dress...I think you probably turned every head in the room at that ball!
My daughter and I are both GWTW lovers. She has a first edition. I have never seen such an extensive collection as yours. It is absolutely wonderful.
I had never seen a picture of Clark without his mustache and whoa does my heart beat faster.
On a closing note I would SO make a dress from your drapes. :)
Hi Nikki! Darlin', you are Scarlet! What a beautiful collection of GWTW things you have. Those prints are gorgeous. Look at your pretty dresses! Oh, my goodness. You're just so beautiful!
Thank you so much for sharing in my joyness.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I must say that I love your blog and read it almost every day. Your life is so exciting. We are building a house copied from a plan from the 1700s. We've been at it for 9 years (while living here. It has been a labor of love with a few dirty words thrown in!
Nikki, I came over from Rue's blog, and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your collection. I mentioned to her that my grandmother's cousin (albeit distant) was the book critic who gave the most favorable review of GWTW and ended up being very close to Margaret Mitchell. He lived in Connecticut and worked in NYC, but he was a Deep South southerner by birth. Turns out he was right about the book as millions of copies prove! :-)
Sheila :-)
Nikki, you are the hands down DIVA of all things GWTW and Scarlet! Your wardrobe is amazing and you are so clever with redoing and making each costume just so. Not to mention how perfectly you can wear each of them. The garden dress was always my most favorite Scarlet dress. The Plunket prints look wonderful in your stairway. Perfect!
What a wonderful post! I love everything about the movie and the book was amazing! My favorite of all Scarlett's dresses is the BBQ dress. I have the pattern (got it from the museum gift shop when we visited the Marguaret Mitchell museum a few years ago) but have yet to make it. This was such fun! Thanks for hosting it!
Oh, my! What a treat for a GWTW fan! I loved EVERYTHING you showed. You have WONDERFUL things! I only have the GWTW plates and the F.Mint doll, and the doll I have not looked at in YEARS. I didn't even know there were outfits for it! Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful things. Loved it all!
Best regards,
i love all your gowns i only have 1 so far the bbq dress working on getting a few more where do u wear them 2 im having the portrit dress made now for pictures and hope to one day have the whole collection. how did u talk ur husband into letting u get so many?? im soo jelous.
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