He is a wonderful man. He makes me laugh and we enjoy so many of the same things. Two of my favorite things about him is that he doesn't hunt or watch sports! (Tho he is a good target shot!)
He is a great dad, loves to cook, likes to help others, and again... that sense of humor of his keeps everyone chuckling. He is hard working but needs to learn to relax once in a while.
Kevin is very supportive of my love for vintage clothing, and dresses accordingly when he can. This is his first fedora! He is also sporting a new suit~
Every girl's crazy about a sharp dressed man!
Here we are on our wedding day~ I designed and had my gown made. My mom did the cake, and groom's cake of a cigar box. They say rain on your wedding day brings good luck... so we should be set for life! It stormed so hard that many people could not come. You could not see to drive. We were married in February and I wanted snow!
The gown is made of panne velvet and fine wale courderoy. I wanted real velvet but could not afford it at the time. I was probably better off because this dress weighs a ton as it is!
I need to get the gown out sometime and and take some more photos, these photos really do not do it justice as they are scans.
I'd like to embellish this dress into more of a Marie Antoinette frock for Halloween!

Here we are honeymooning out west. This pic was taken at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Absolutely stunning, a must see park! This is a scan as well or I'd show you more pics of the scenery. The first night we stayed at the base of the Rocky Mountains. We had the most beautiful snowfall. HUGE, floating flakes. We sat outside our honeymoon suite in a hot tub. It was heaven! Just us, some champaign, and the boughs of the trees heavy with fresh snow...sigh......how I'd love to re-live that night!
WOW! Your dress is amazing! I love it!!!!! It is also so wonderful to hear other women talk so sweetly about their husbands, I adore mine too!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog!
Hugs, Donna Lynn
So glad you started blogging! This is a wonderful post~such a beautiful bride and groom (handsome). I'd love to see more pictures of your dress!
Thank you ladies!
I'll get this dress out sometime. It's hard work, let me tell you! I have it hanging on two wooden hangers it is so heavy, lol!
You are really beautiful and I am so jealous of that dress! It's excatly what I was dreaming of for my first wedding and couldn't find it. The marriage didn't last, so I guess it's a good thing or I would've had to burn it ;)
I want Rich to wear a fedora too, but he just looks at me like I'm nuts LOL Can you imagine the looks we'd get in Ohio LOL
rue :)
Aw thanks Rue! I had the hardest time finding a dress that I liked so I just had it made. I've been married before too~ my cousin wore my old gown for her wedding and I said KEEP IT, it's yours!
Your hub would look smashing in a fedora! Please, we live in small town MO. People here wear mullets. We just don't care if we get weird looks. The positive looks and comments far out-number the negs. Get him one for father's day! If he still doesn't like the idea, then YOU put it on with one of HIS shirts and ties. He'll like it then! ; P
It was fun to read through your wedding memories! Love the vintage stuff too ( ~ perhaps because I'm stuck in a vintage 1940s influenced bathroom reno??!)!
how sweet! the dress is GORGEOUS!! :)
Your dress is really Marie Antoinette inspired... but would you truly alter it for Halloween? That sounds like something I might do, but I'm a little off my rocker.
Glad you came out to the party, thanks for participating on short notice!
I share your love of vintage clothing, although since losing all this weight, none of my beloved vintage wardrobe fit anymore, so I'm having to start over clothes-wise. And I also share in common with you the dream of a unique vintage-type wedding gown that will have to be made. I know the exact gown I want--it was in a Victoria magazine in 1995 when I was 18, and I've known from the second I saw it that it was the gown for me. I'll likely have to have someone make one that looks like it. Anyway, :) your gown is lovely, and that you plan to re-purpose it as a costume is even better. :)
One of my favorite posts! This tied with the little Air Force ring bearers!! Please enter me!!! Love to own one of your projects!! Love,Lori
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