You can't tell from the photo, but the buttons have little anchors on them. And the back laces up. Judging from the label I believe these are from the 60's or 70's.

Some friends of ours have been hosting an annual 4th of July party. They have a great old home. Here's a pic from the realtor when they bought it a few years ago. They live a few blocks away from the Missouri River. We can sit on the hill of their front yard and watch the fireworks.
These are pics of their home from 2 years ago. I love their kitchen! It was like that when they moved in...sans all the party paraphernalia of course, lol! They get quite a house full.
Here is their back yard. Isn't this wisteria AMAZING! Rue, this is just what you need over your pergola at the Williams house! Unfortunately, I've never been here to see it bloom~ I'm sure it's spectacular.
The home still has the orginal slate roof.
I love this gate.
See that big tree haning over the roof of the garage? It's a Holly tree! It must be a zillion years old. Just covered with berries in the winter; gorgeous!! Here are the kiddos running through the smoke bomb funk, phew!
At last it was time for fireworks! I didn't get any pictures, but this is picture is from the parade last week. This is how Nova was during the fireworks, eyes tightly shut plus tears. I don't know what was different this year but he was affraid of the sirens at the parade, and fireworks too. He loved them last year! So we sat inside the house and watched from there. At least he had fun playing outside pre-fireworks!
SEE? He was amazed by the fireworks last year. We'll have to see what happens next July 4th. Yesterday Kevin took him fishing for the first time. They had a blast. Today they'll probably go swimming while I paint more beadboard for the bathroom.
And before I go, here's a closeup of the hair. This was after we got home tho, and I was tired! I've cut bangs so I did them "mall" style as I didn't want a weenie roll and my bangs don't hold curl well.
And I am so excited that at least one of you was inspired and tried the 'do! The lovely Mamselle Duroc at Classic Vintage Beauty. Isn't she a doll?
oooh doll i love your sailor pants...i have them as well and boy they get hot!!! i just found your blog and cat, i love love love it!!!!i'm happy to have found a kitten who dresses vintage just like daddy-o was worried there was no one in missouri who would get us! hee hee!
this vintage kitten just loves your home its to die for girl!!for the last few years my daddy-o and i have been hoppin' a plane and visiting missouri...we would love to live there...i just love your part of this great country!
swing by my place
Looks like a great time was had by all. What a neat house and that wisteria is wonderful! As usual, you look like a pinup girl and your hair was perfect! You never did tell me though if your friends and neighbors think you're a bit odd when they first meet you!
Justine :o )
hi!I love your sailor pants! You are so nice! and you had nice holidays!
visit me anytime...
I just love your outfit! So very cute.
So is your little fellow... my small brother has been a bit intimidated by all the noise of the fireworks and parades in the past as well.
I'm glad you had a wonderful 4th! Thanks once again for the hair inspiration!
Love the outfit and your hair is fabulous!
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your friend's home. It's beautiful and the kitchen is amazing. I also love the gate.
I'm really enjoying your blog, especially photos of your home. Keep them coming!
It looks like a fun day. I love your Rosie look.
Love the sailor pants! Are they the real thing? I remember finding my uncle's sailor pants when I was in high school because he had a trunk full of stuff that he had left at the house. I actually wore them for a while, but that was back in the days of bell bottoms, so they fit right in.
Love your friend's house! That kitchen is fabulous, and love the wisteria covered pergola. Wonder how many years it took for it to grow over like that?
You look so cute in those sailor pants. I actually had a couple pairs of them in approx 1971. I loved them!!! It looks like you had a great 4th of July!! Thanks for sharing! Terrie
Cute outfit, Nikki!
We were so happy about the cooler temps. We could actually enjoy the deck at the lake, during the day! A rare thing for July in MO.
If your dad was working on the first day of opening, in the morning, we may very well have seen him! Now, when we go back, I'll wonder if he's there behind the counter!
Have a great week!
I LOVE the sailor pants!
You can totally pull off the classic look,you just have the face for it.
Glad you had a wonderful 4th.
Sounds like you had a great weekend! You look adorable in those pants- the whole outfit actually- including the gorgeous hair!!! LOVE IT!
Your friends have a beautiful home- love the kitchen and love that gate! Wysteria is one of my favorites!! That is amazing! What a great retreat that must be.
Little Nova is so cute I just wanna eat him up! Love the eyes squeezed shut! Our son did that too- he loved them three years ago, terrified of them the next and this year he couldn't get enough of them and cried when they were over!! He started yelling "People PLEASE turn my fireworks back on!" Too funny!
Have a great evening!
-Heather :)
You are the blog of the week at Gracious Hospitality. :) Yeah!
Hi sweetie pie :)
You looked fabulous as always! Poor Nova :( I hope he likes them next year. That wisteria is awsome! I won't tell Rich that it will cover the whole porch though or he'll freak out LOL
You always look fabulous. I wish it was 77 degrees here instead of 110 or more. The wisteria is lovely but I have never seen a holly tree like that in my life,I l always think of a bush. I bet it's amazing with the berries.So did they catch any fish ??
I just found your amazing BLOG!
Absolutley love it! Your home, family, your "style" is wonderful!! I adore anything vintage! "Scarlett" is my hero! Love GWTW. Also a huge fan of Lucille Ball, and at times,well, many times, it has many "Lucy" moments!! I hope it is okay but will be adding you to my favorite blogs lists!!
Beautiful Blessings~
Kelly Maria
of Belle Ame
You look adorable in your sailor pants! I don't think I'd want to handle all the buttons-it could be hazardous ;-)
The home and garden of your friends' home are beautiful. The pic of Nova watching the fireworks--priceless.
OMG! I just love blogland...and finding kindred spirits. My mother SWEARS that I was reincarnated from the 40's. You and Cat do so well with the vintage clothing...I've YET to find ANYTHING!!! I had a 1922 house and we just built a new house w/ the "old" look. We couldn't keep up w/ the work on it. We live on my husband's teacher pay....need I say more? Keep posting....I'm going to go try to do my hair....woohoooooo...
You look great in the sailor pants. I love your unique look. You really pull off vintage. Your friend's house is awesome. Thanks for sharing.
You look gorgeous!!! Looks like you had a wonderful 4th!
You look sooo cute in those sailor pants and the scarf!
Looks like y'all had a great time, that is a neat house!
Those pants are great!!! I have pictures of my grandfather in pants just like that!! Great hair too!!!
M ^..^
Oh Your 4th looks fabulous. I alos LOVE your sailor the 70's when we wore them they were called swabbies (sp?) and didn't quite have all the buttons all around, but did have the buttons up front with the achors on them. Oh my, I am dating
I think your pants might actually be from the '40-'s.
What an adorable out fit.
On pants,-okay, I thought that they were older, looks like I need to bone up on my vintage fashion. Still very cute though! Do you dress vintage outside the house, in public? If so, what are people's reaction? I wish I were that brave, if you do. It would also be nice if there were vintage outfits for amazons like myself but everyone was so tiny back then!
Thanks for your comment on my site!
I love your outfit and hair you looked AMAZING!!!
Your friends house is gorgeous!! Love the green paint in the kitchen does she happen to know the name of it?
Sorry to hear that Nova didn't like the fireworks this year :(
Hope that he enjoys them next year.
Krissie :)
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