POWERWASHING on my house!?

It's the house painters, hooray! They began prepping our house for paint today. I'm SO excited I can hardly stand it! They will be back Monday to paint, squeeeeeeeeee! Are you anxious to see what color? I covered up my test splotches so you'll be surprised. It took me a month to find the perfect shade. I was about to lose my mind! Ah, but good things come tho those who wait!
I've had such a good week. I came downstairs to find these on my dining room table a few days ago~ that sweet hub of mine!

I will also get to meet a wonderful internet friend of about 6 years (wow!) on Monday! The very lovely and talented Becca of Bluebirds and Roses! Her son will be along as well, a very musically inclined young lad who has a band with his two buddies~way cool!
I'm not going to share a photo but I found the perfect medicine cabinet for my bathroom too!
Let's see, what else...OH! I finally resolved a return issue with JC Penny's on a matelasse coverlett that I love. Should arrive next week. This was something that had really been bothering me.
So, besides the wax incident, which turned out ok... and a slight painting malfunction, and not being able to find flooring I like, I'm a happy camper!
Hi!!!!! Nice to meet you!!! well, your home is magnificent, and your interior decorating truly is amazing. is so similar to my home! I love its! see you I hope your visit!
Can't wait to see the colour you finally settled on xxx
Ah. Another lover of an old house! Nice to see that you are taking care of your old beauty. She's gonna love her new dress when the painters are finished! I'll check back to see how things turn out. Your front porch is the good old fashioned social porch. Plenty of room for the passers by to stop for a chat. Thanks for coming over to Stillmeadow to visit. Soon there will be summer flowers on the front porch. It's been a very cold spring here in Minnesota.
Hi! I'm glad you stopped by my blog. Gosh, your house looks a lot like the house I grew up in. It's posted in my old post if you'd like to see it. I can't wait to see your house painted. How exciting!I hope you'll drop by again. Terrie
I know Becca from rate my space! I don't think we've talked much, but I know that her home is darling :)
I can't wait to see the house color!!
Thanks for all the wonderful comments on my posts! Thank you for telling me what my old picture was all about and when it was likely taken. I was sure it had to be a special occasion. The glass isn't domed, and I suspect its not in the original frame.
I love the rose plate too! Not sure where I got it, but think I got it at the local antique shop. I'ts my favorite of all my porcelain plates.
Oh, was working on a new post when you were making all your sweet comments. Just got it posted!
Hi! I dropped into to see your porch party post! I love your home, porch, and flowers! Older homes have so much character! And I love your vintage dress and picture! You are so pretty, and the pictures are so cute!
Take care! ~Rhonda ;)
Your home is really lovely~ you can tell a lot of love and hard work went into it.
Your Melly looks like my cat from the back. :) And I love the name Melly--Melanie is my favorite character from GWTW and one of my all-time favorite characters, period. I blogged about her here: http://myprettylittleroughpatches.blogspot.com/2007/06/thinking-about-miss-melly.html
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